Executive Coaching
We work with executive level clients to develop and to achieve clear and specific personal and organisational goals. These may range from simple tasks to address minor skill gaps to larger challenges. Our approach includes:
- Identifying specific goals and challenges
- Development of strategies and an action plan
- Weekly or fortnightly coaching sessions
- Access to a range of assessments (MBTI, Emotional Capital, Strengths Finder etc.)
- Customised research to support goal achievement, homework and regular written feedback
- Regular evaluation of progress and goal refinement
Career Coaching
We recognise the importance of work in the lives of our clients. We work with clients to assess their work values, interests, skills, achievements and areas of motivation.
We identify issues that impact on performance and collaborate with clients to develop strategies and goals to achieve positive outcomes.
We are uncompromising in our commitment to supporting our clients to achieve career success whether it is in existing roles or new challenges.
We assist clients to further develop their career management skills, personal leadership and opportunity awareness. Our approach includes:
- A career review, analysis and identification of key strengths
- Exploration of skill gaps, issues impacting on performance and strategies to address them
- Career planning and strategy development
- Self-marketing and interview preparation and practice
- Access to assessment tools and resources
- Addressing other related issues raised by the client
We offer 4, 8 and 12 week programs that include weekly coaching together with access to resources, email and telephone support. Other customised programs by arrangement.
Outplacement Services
Best practice outplacement programs are authentic and protect an organisations reputation and result in good outcomes for staff in transition. We collaborate with organisations to smooth the process and ensure that managers and staff receive the support they need to facilitate a professional outplacement program. Our services include:
- Consulting with key stakeholders to design an outplacement program, communication strategy, staff training, workshops, resource requirements and coaching services
- Provision of career coaching as described above
- Evaluation of outplacement programs and debriefing
Career Development Program Design and Implementation
We research and design career develop programs that work and strengthen the culture of organisations as an employer of choice. Our services include:
- Career programs to enhance supervisor career development knowledge and capacity as coaches
- Personal leadership programs that build staff motivation and career management skills
- Induction programs that accelerate belonging and maximise contribution of new staff
- Development of mentoring initiatives
- Talent management and development
Specialised Performance Management Services
Sometimes staff reach a point in their role where they are capable but are underperforming. We provide bridging services that work with managers and individuals to develop strategies to improve performance from a positive rather than punitive perspective. These services are customised for each situation and include:
- Interviews with managers and individuals
- Development of an action plan and process to invigorate performance
- Regular coaching sessions for individual staff
- Evaluation and management feedback including follow up strategies where required
Organisational Workforce and Career Strategy Planning and Development
Having the right people in the right place with the right skills to achieve an organisations priorities is a multifaceted task. Effective career development processes can be targeted to identify and build the skillsets required for emerging workforce challenges. Services include:
- Facilitating organisational workforce and career strategy planning and development discussions
- Providing input through the identification of successful initiatives from around the world that could be adapted to meet local challenges
- Assistance to realign workforce through outplacement and induction programs
Design and facilitation of interventions to resolve workplace conflict and strengthen performance
It is almost inevitable that from time to time some of level conflict will arise within workplaces. This can be healthy or hinder performance and impact on a performance culture. Our approach includes:
- Initial discussions with team leaders and supervisors
- Identifying and collating key issues and problems from interviews with a broad sample of staff
- Preparing and facilitating a guided discussion based on findings from interviews
- Development of an action plan that can be agreed by all parties
- Follow up and evaluation of action plans
Facilitation of Planning Days to Improve Staff Potential and Employer of Choice Outcomes
Planning days can be effective when staff are engaged in the process. Our process recognises that there are a range of agendas and that planning will be strengthened if they are given some air play either in pre planning or as part of the planning process. Our approach includes:
- Effective pre-planning day consultation and preparation and management of expectations
- We support a win/win approach that enhances productivity and realises an organisations priority
- We work with leaders to craft and approach that maximises engagement
- We provide follow up input into the final plan linked to what we heard throughout the planning processes
Career Program Evaluation and Benchmarking
We were instrumental in the development of guidelines, standards and benchmarks for career programs services in Australia. We assess whether the investment organisations make in career development will result in outcomes that meet their priorities and we identify where appropriate, more cost effective alternatives. Our approach includes:
- Design and implementation of surveys, focus groups and interviews
- Provide a process for organisations to undertake a self-assessment
- Utilise national and international benchmarking tools
- Provide a final analysis report and recommendations for quality improvement
Research and Policy Development Related To Career Development and Workforce and Workplace Improvement
We have a significant policy and research background. For example, we contributed to the inclusion of career development in the 2013 Australian Workforce Development Strategy. Peter was invited by the Republic of South Korea to present at the largest HR conference in the world on emerging trends in career development. We utilise our extensive global network to research and assess innovative approaches to workforce development. Our approach includes:
- Undertaking landscape assessments of current approaches
- Regular updates of global best practice
- Expert advice on career development aspects of workforce development strategies
- Identification of systemic change options to support employer of choice outcomes
Assist professional associations to enhance their offering to members
Strengthening career related services is essential for future growth of professional associations. Peter Tatham has led a professional association and currently chairs an international community of practice that focuses on new career development initiatives. He has led the development of standards and benchmarking tools for career development professionals and he has significant experience in assisting organisations to design career development programs that are outcomes focused.